Colombian cuisine by region

Colombia is a country that has been characterized by its great diversity, also culinary diversity.

We can affirm that Colombian cuisine is characterized by its variety, by great variety of natural resources where you can extract various ingredients, native and even exotic.

Colombia also has a wide variety of cuisine according to the region and that are: the Caribbean, Andean, Pacific, Orinoquia and Amazon regions.

1. Caribbean

It has the influence of indigenous, European, black and mestizo cultures. Their typical dishes are: sancocho de mondongo, rib, fish, seafood, etc.

Being a region with sea, dishes such as fried fish, mainly mojarra, where you can not miss the fried banana.

2. Andina

In this region you can taste exquisite dishes such as sancocho, Bandeja Paisa, Ajiaco (soup prepared with the kinds of potatoes, chicken, capers, cob and rice).

Also, tamal, typical dish based on cornmeal, stuffed with meat, vegetables, sauces, wrapped in the banana leaf.

Masato and chicha are two typical drinks based on the fermentation of rice, cassava or corn.

3. Pacífica

There are the roasted guinea pig, the fry and the mote. When the drinks are Canelazo and Champú. The paila ice cream also stands out.

4. Orinoquía

Ternera a la llanera or mamona, the lechona are delicacies of this region. In this region rice predominates, you can taste rice bread, rice cake, among other rice-based dishes.

5. Amazons

It is the region located in the south of the country that presents an exotic gastronomy such as: the turtle egg, boa, the region’s own food, bananas and exotic fruits.

Come and taste the Colombian cuisine in our restaurant LA PEQUEÑA COLOMBIA TAMPA is a pleasure for us to carry out culinary traditions in this corner of the world.

We will wait for you!

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