Colombia: A country with fruits flavor

When a foreigner visits our country, usually falling in love with the variety of fruits that exists.

There are exotic fruits that are part of the Colombian daily, such as lulo, pineapple feijoa, passion fruit maracuyá (also known as passion fruit), soursop, cape gooseberry (uchuva), tree tomato (tomate de árbol), pitahaya, borojó and many others.

In our country, the fruits are usually eaten in many delicious ways:

Raspados or Cholados:

A mixture of fruits with crushed ice. Fruits like lemons, oranges, passion fruit and lulo are ideal for these preparations. It is served with condensed milk, cookies and many more surprises flavor. The cholado becomes a spectacular frozen dessert.


Usually the juices are very cold or with ice. Some juices are prepared with water, others were incorporated milk, such as guanábana (soursop) or guava.


jams, ice cream and even wine (not only grape wine but also, passion fruit wine there … Can you believe it?)

Fruits with salt

Some fruits are eaten with salt and lime and are delightful. We say “made our mouths water” when we think of a mango viche or an apple guava (¿guayaba manzana?) with salt and lemon.

Did not you stay craving after reading all this?/span>

We invite you to the Pequeña Colombia Tampa, restaurant, to delight with our delicious fruit juice in water or milk.

Come and try some of our flavors: blackberry, guava, passion fruit (maracuyá), pineapple, guava, natural lemonade, lulo, mango, papaya, curuba and orchata.

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